helping girls and women find their way HOME to love, identity, and value.
want to let go of the anger and the bitterness?
want to find an anchor for your emotions?
want to stop comparing yourself to others and just be YOU?

i received healing in my life for a deep shame i never thought could or deserved to be healed.
i loved connecting with other women, being together and relating to one another in beautiful but relaxed environment.
i can now rest in the truth of who God says i am and not have to depend on myself or other's approval or opinion.
For more information on Roxanna Grimes click here:

The Pearl Workshop
If you are tired of having meltdowns in the mirror, relationship bitterness, and feeling the sting of faking it, then come to The Pearl Workshop. This workshop incorporates biblical principles, art experiences, mentoring, God intimacy training, and Love Feast. This 12-week course will include all of your books, materials, gifts and Love Feast. Your full payment will reserve your seat. Please include your full name and email in a note on PayPal.
The Pearl Experience 2022
Registration Now Open!
March 6, 2022 - June 12, 2022
Every Sunday for 13 weeks
(no meeting on Easter, Mother's Day, or Memorial Weekend)
3pm - 6pm
TRW Office
151 Kalmus Suite M
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
$225 Early bird registration by February 6, 2022
After February 6, 2022 - $275 includes all materials and surprises!
Seats: 7 (in person)
(Facilitator training available online)
Email: [email protected] for info on facilitator training